Friday 12 December 2008

Making Light Work of IT.

As individuals we each have our own views upon sustainable development. We all know we should do out little bit. Our own tinny carbon footprint can be calculated ( , and how to reduce it is available to all to find. However do we really want to know this?

Are we not in denial of what we are capable of doing? As our individualist behaviour prevents us from further development. As we should act together to tackle the problems.

So there is no more excuses of its not down to me. Its for all of us to take charge of our own responsibilities and do our own little bit, as every little helps.

So we should turn off those lights when we are not in the room, turn off the tap when brushing our teeth and use the right bin for our waste so it can be recycled. As after all its all of our planet to look after and our home so look after it. Not only working individually can we help but also as teams of volunteers around the world work to clean up each others mess. So if we do our bit it, we wont have to rely on the few others who wish to devote their time to changing the damage already done.
But we should use the individualist behvaiour which all humans possess as insentive to change. As we are denying out children and grandchildren the same rights and oppertunities we was porvided with. Is this not enough to encourage people to change?
Also think of the money we can save by switching off out electical equiptment and not leaving it on over night. As according to the Governement we could save up to £300 a year. Ideas to do this are on{keyword}&utm_campaign=defra2008Q2&gclid=CMe-g87NypkCFQquGgodvkdDuw. So give it a go and see how big your carbon footprint is and what money your house hold could save.

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