Wednesday 19 November 2008

UN debate

The debate, well while standing up there first was pretty nerve racking, with trembinling hands I managed to struggle through my notes. Which even I knew but was unable to prevent, was the heavy reliance I had upon them. However this debate developed my styles of learning such as communicating to others through email, research and debates.

It was interesting to hear how each country had found a different perspective on sustainable development. With a variation from starting from scratch on a plan to leading helping direct others in the path to sustainable living. As demonstrated through the varieties of approaches a greater step forward can be achieved united, learning from one another. However the US a large country with enormous power ignored their own weaknesses of their resource use to focus on others, such as Africa. Also how not all money would be spent in a similar way. As with the Solomon Islands the money would be to start a programme as nothing had been officially drawn up and implemented for around ten years, and then there would be Columbia using they money to help secure the country from gorilla warfare.

The research for this project was difficult, as there was a huge variation in the information available and what information was relevant. As the decision had to be made as to which direction you would portray about your country. As Lithuania has a high literacy rate but low unemployment rate. So it is difficult to grasp the state in which the country is in. As well as some information found was conflicting as to what the priorities of the country was. So to determine what was most reliable I ordered it according to the date in which it was published.

This project was enjoyable as it was a different style to lectures and greater understanding in how sustainability is a huge subject. I have learnt from it to rely less on notes and to perhaps look at a variety of aspects before choosing a direction.

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